To be lazy and recap my life yet again (as if any one actually reads this still...)
1. Most importantly, I am sick. With a cold. I don't feel good at all. I knew this time was coming, because it always does during marching band. But the fact that it took me until November makes me happy with my immune system. Usually I get a cold within 2 weeks or so of the beginning of school and then never really get over it and continue to add on other random illnesses through the end of the season. We will see what happens this year.
2. Apparently, seeing as how yesterday was Halloween, it is now Christmas. I went to Target yesterday in search of some rally gear in their Halloween section, only to find that Halloween was COMPLETELY over except the "gross" candy aisle and Christmas was making a strong showing already.
3. It is November and the leaves are beautiful and mass amounts of hyped up festiveness are starting to set in. Yay! I love this time of year.
4. I went to Leavenworth 2 weekends ago to see the leaves and they were VERY pretty:

5. The day after that we took the ferry to Whidbey Island to play for a nice man who is leaving HMB lots of money, but is dying. It was a sad, yet good day at the same time. And beautiful yet again. I love the northwest, but more specifically Seattle:

6. For all of those not following Husky football (which is everyone but me), let me give you a little recap:
10/7: USC-UW, Lost 26-20
10/14: OSU-UW, Lost 27-17 (The curse of 17 returns yet again?)
10/21: Cal-UW, Lost in OT 31-24
10/28: Arizona-UW, Lost in OT 26-23
So basically, going to games stinks right now. And we get to continue the fun by going down to Eugene this weekend where the fans hate us so much that the UO marching band volunteered to escort us to our busses at the end of the game so that we wouldn't die.
7. I learned in nutrition the other day that apparently your body actually NEEDS trace amounts of arsenic to function properly. Who knew?