Thursday, June 01, 2006

The end is near!

For me, this definitely is NOT a bad thing! Tomorrow is my last day of classes, finals next week... and then I am free for the whole summer! *And there was great rejoicing because I have no more homework to do and I can do other fun things, like posting to my blog whenever I feel like it!*

In other exciting news, Peggy Sue comes home tomorrow. Don't know who Peggy Sue is? Maybe you should read my blog more often =)

And I learned my life lesson #68 today: Don't wear flip-flops if they are forecasting rain and you know that you have to walk across red square. Red square = big square/plaza thing on campus made of, what else, red brick. But they designed it special so that it would be slick when wet so that they could knock down all of the protestors if they got out of hand (No kidding... it was designed in the 60s with all of that college demonstrating going down everywhere). Anyway, I learned the hard way that flip-flops and wet, slippery red brick do not mix very well. It is bad enough walking across it when you have tennis shoes with traction, shoes with no traction are next to impossible. *Sigh* If the stupid muggy weather would go away, then I wouldn't have to worry about wanting to wear flip-flops even though it is raining. Muggy weather is the bane of my existence.

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