Tuesday, June 06, 2006

That deaf, dumb and blind boy sure plays a mean pinball!

I am noticing a rather disturbing pattern around my house. I turn on music, my dad sticks his head into my room, and he tells me to turn it off. Why? Well it isn't because he disapproves... that is for sure. It is because it is "his" music and I am not allowed to listen to it! I have a list of about 5 or 6 groups that I am no longer "allowed" to listen to because it is the music of his youth, not mine. I think secretly he is flattered that I would like the music that he liked when he was growing up, so he makes fun of me for it. So yes, I will admit that I stole his Chicago CD, but he freaked out when I asked (and got) an Earth, Wind & Fire CD for Christmas. And a couple of months ago, I went to a rock opera/musical thing at UW that my friend was stage managing. I was trying to explain it to my parents, thinking that they would never know what it was. I said that it was written by The Who, as well as something about it being about this boy that grows up in WWII London and the musical follows him throughout his life. That is seriously all it took for my dad to be like, "You went and saw Tommy?!?" and break out into a chorus of "Pinball Wizard". Yah, so basically, I am doomed to share my love of music with my father if it is older than about 1980, and even then, he is familiar with some of that stuff too. I have just resolved myself to the fact that any cool group from the 1960s/1970s, my dad will be right there telling me that I can't listen to it. And don't even get me started on the songs that we play in marching band... he can sing along with most of those too! (Not so cool to have your parents start singing "You Can Call Me Al" at the top of their lungs along with your marching band CD!) But I don't really mind, I think it is sort of fun... he just doesn't like it when I try to sing with his Chicago CD!

P.S. Tommy is AWESOME! You should see it if you ever get the chance. A rock band on stage playing all of the music for a musical, you can't get much better than that! It combines two of my great loves... =)

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