-I do this RIGHT after sprinting onto the field and then running in place, complete with high knees (i.e. upper thigh comes up so that it is in a perfect 90 degree angle with the rest of the body) for 3 or 4 minutes... 7 cadences of Scratch at least
-And did I mention that I am supposed to be playing my picc as I march down the field at turbo speed? (If you don't think 160 is fast, you get a metronome and try marching to it...WITH HIGH KNEES!)
-I just memorized or rememorized 11 songs:
VI and VII
The Alma Mater
FCS Fight Song
Take On Me
Mush Huskies
Grand Old Flag
Johnny's Mambo
Radar Love
Throne Room
Everybody's Everything
-I have been at practice from 8:30am to 8:30pm since Tuesday morning
-I have practice and a rally tomorrow, football game with band guide duties on Saturday, another practice on Sunday as well as practices next week on Monday, Wednesday and all day on Friday culminating in a Queen show at the UCLA game that Saturday
-I have four pages of magical Bohemian Rhapsody goodness to memorize
-I have recently lost all of my free time to watching seasons 3 and 4 of Gilmore girls
-I am trying to get my grad school applications under control and dealing with that in my spare time once I get home at 9pm
Oh yah... and I am loving every minute of it!

You sound slightly busy, Melina. Although I can't blame you. The Gilmore Girls is an AWESOME show, and I wouldn't mind owning those on DVD. Hmm..Maybe something I should consider writing down on my wishlist.
This last week, I bought the second season of Friends for Zach, and we just finished devoting all of our time to that! I love that show!!!!
Okay I must say, that is very impressive. I can definately appreciate the time and effort put into getting that formation just right. You guys look good out there.
It's just too bad that all the fans who came to see a football game left realizing that the halftime show was much more enjoyable. ;) LOL!
What can I say... the band always wins! =)
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