Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Here I sit...

... in Warren's CAD class. Whatever that is. He explains his architectural things to me and I listen and try to understand. But a couple more days of this and I think that my eyes will be completely glazed over. I am glad he is the one responsible for designing these things. Oh well, when I met some of his architecture friends yesterday and he told them that I was interested in nursing, they were like "Why nursing?" and I was like "Why not?"... just goes to show that we all have our areas of expertise I guess.

Anyway, so I am currently in Spokane and like I said, I'm wasting time while Warren is in class. Because of that fact, I am EXTREMELY happy that it appears that most everybody has updated their blogs this weekend cause it is giving me something to do. Plus I get to update my blog as well. I am sorry that I sort of died out there half way through the quarter. That seems to be the story of my life. Oh well... I did fairly awesome and came through with two 4.0's and a 3.6, which makes me happy. And now I only have ONE QUARTER LEFT!!! Yay!! I know that if I get into nursing school I still have two more years, but I AM actually graduating from UW at the end of this quarter. June 9th. I am excited. I now have something to show for all of my hard work. I just have to get through this next quarter. I am taking:

Social Problems - 5 credits
Psychology of Music - 5 credits
Microbiology Lab - 2 credits
Basic Statistics - 5 credits

For a total of 17 credits. So if you don't hear from me once the quarter starts, you can blame it on three things... 1) My schedule 2) Senioritis 3) The nicer weather.

As for my trip to Spokane, it has been fun and entertaining thus far. Yesterday I went to the WSU nursing school and got a tour from one of the students. More importantly (to me) was that she was willing to answer all of my stupid and inane questions. Everybody keeps asking me where I want to be next year, but I haven't even let myself dream about that because I am tired of getting excited just to be dealt another round of rejection. But I will say this, Spokane is a pretty okay place and if this is where the Lord wants me to be next year, I could deal with that.

On the way to Spokane from Seattle we took a little side trip down to Pullman (where the actual WSU campus is located) and Warren was more than excited to give me a tour. And it beat me up. I still have a blister on my toe... which is odd cause I NEVER get blisters and I do a lot of walking already, so I wouldn't have thought it to be a problem. I went to Sonic and Dutch Bros. here in Spokane and I hear tell that there is an Arctic Circle somewhere. I intend to find it. Last night I wanted a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner but Warren had too much homework to help me so I made us some grilled cheese and tomato soup and COMPLETELY flooded one of his burners with tomato soup. Then I got to clean his stove, it was great fun. On a side note: I am beginning to understand why Warren invited me... he likes having a slave. Just kidding! What else has happened? Warren has hit/poked/elbowed or nearly hit/poked/elbowed me in the face/neck/eye a frightening number of times over the course of this spring break (we are talking close to 15 times). Consequently, I am becoming increasingly nervous around him... not really, I am just taking my safety into my own hands now. Oh yah, we were in Safeway and I was following him when he stopped suddenly with his foot stuck out. Being oh-so-graceful, I tripped over said foot and went flying down the aisle. I'm telling you, he is out to get me and I am not exactly sure why =). Anyhow, this has been long enough. I could make it longer cause I have all the time in the world right now, but I know that you guys don't have all the time in the world to read it. So I will say "Adieu" for now... although I imagine that I will be back again soon.

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