Monday, April 02, 2007

My day...

The highlights (or not) of my day:

- I didn't get shot
- My coworker had another seizure
- It was payday (translation: pure craziness)
- I got paid

Woohoo... and now I am going to bed. I know that I haven't been posting very often, but honestly, I think that you guys probably would prefer it this way. I have been so stressed out about nursing school/post graduation plans that my posts would be a random jumble of the worries in my head, and since I don't even like what is going on in there, I figure I will spare you guys the misery. I'll post again soon though, I promise. Just bare with me... please.


Anonymous said...

you'll make it!! I am praying for you - and if you ever need to get some of those worries out, well, you can always tell me, because goodness knows i'm used to it from my own side of things!

(and I'm glad you didn't get shot either! ugh. scary.)

Falling LEAVes said...

yes I do! in fact, I am "subscribed" to your blog. I subscribed to everyone's blog. So, when I sign into bloglines (I wrote a blog about that), I can see whenever someone writes a new entry