Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's happening again...

I think I may have found something else to be addicted to. This is the most awesome Internet radio streamer that I have EVER come across. You guys should check it out!


And in case you want the directions, here ya go:

"It's an online radio that is amazing! You can click and unclick all the genres you are in the mood for, click on the tempo spectrum to get songs that are only a certain tempo, click on dance mode for only dance songs, decide whether you're in the mood for hits or non-hits or new discovery songs, click on the mood spectrum if you only want songs that are engeretic, clam, dark or positive and you can restrict your songs by year (so if you only want to hear songs from 1985-1999). As you restrict your songs, there's a roadmap that will show you what songs are up next and you can skip songs or move thru your roadmap until you see a song you want to hear.You can also stop any song to buy them on iTunes and the best part is that there are NO COMMERCIALS!"


Stacy said...

I LOVE it! I'm listening to it right now. How and where did you discover this website? Thanks so much for sharing it with me! Right now I'm listening to soundtracks...VERY COOL! Thanks Melina!

Stacy said...

Oh boy this station is cracking me up, I read your post above and who you were listing to and so I now must say who I'm listening to...Oh...dear...

En Vogue - "Free Your Mind"

This is hilarious!

Mandy Sue said...

Okay, this is the most awesome thing I've ever seen!!! Thanks for the tip!

MsPoppins20 said...

I'm glad that you guys are enjoying it. One of my friends in the piccolo section discovered it and emailed the listserve about it, so that is where I heard. I like it because I can listen to "shameful" music without being embarrassed by actually having it in my music collection. Case in point? Today I set it for 1995-1998 so that I could re-live middle school and listen to the Spice Girls, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera without having to admit it to anyone.

Although my brother caught me when "Hit Me Baby One More Time" was playing... I think I lost some respect in his eyes cause of that.