Monday, October 03, 2005

I schlept in my bed last night...

I am in a Johnny Q. sort of mood again. If you aren't sure what that is, then you should read my blog more often, or look though my old posts =). I looked tonight to see if there was a way to post the song, but unless I can link it through a web page and then put up that link, I'm not sure if you will ever hear it from my blog. Sorry, disappointing, I know.

So in other news, the drumline now knows my nickname. There is a cadence we do that lends itself perfectly to the sex pocket dance. At UCLA the piccs where doing the cadence and saying "Sex Pocket!" (I'm famous, I know!) Well, the drumline was in front of them and heard it and was like "What in the world does that mean?" So my nice friends in the piccolo section told them. Apparently the drumline was discussing my name on the way home. I shudder to think what about... probably similar to what Matthew thought when he read my blog =).

I know I am jumping from topic to topic tonight, but my brain is seriously going at about 500 miles a minute because I have SOOOO much to remember for Japan. Bear with me please? Sitting in class today, I heard the bells from Denny Hall ringing on the hour... it was wonderful. Last year Denny was getting a new roof put on so we didn't have bells the entire year. I really like UW's campus. It is so pretty and some of the architecture is amazing. A lot of the buildings are from earlier in the history of the school, so they are really neat. Nothing like being in an ultra-studious looking environment to make you want to study! Although, as you move down campus toward the hospital, the buildings house more sciences and are therefore a lot newer... due in great part to our good friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen. But they are still pretty, in a new sort of way. My favorite place to study is the atrium in the electrical engineering building. And now all of the leaves are changing colors and it is absolutely beautiful on campus. Maybe I will take some pictures soon. The crisp, fresh, fall air. I love this time of year!

Jumping again, today in my anthropology class we watched a funny movie about dialects and accents. They kept highlighting different accents, but it seemed to me as if they only had about four, and they didn't interview ANYbody from the west coast. You'd think that they would just because we are said to have the least noticeable "accent." Anyway, in this movie they were going around asking people from different regions what a region specific word meant. So they went to these hillbillies and they were like, "What does the word 'schlep' mean?" And they were like, "Well, I don't know. Is it sort of like, 'I schlept in the bed last night'?" It was hilarious! (Do you guys know what schlep means? I already did, its like carrying around a bunch of stuff. "I had to schlep my backpack all over campus.") That movie made my day.

I am going to be going off to bed now, must conserve sleep when I can. I have to be at UW at 4am on Thursday (details are still forthcoming, I promise!) Funny story really quick though, when I walked out to my car after band practice tonight, there was a pair of socks sitting by my car. I didn't know where they had come from, so I picked them up and they were mine. Apparently what happened was my coat was sitting on a stack of folded laundry, so when I grabbed it and went to practice, they got stuck in my coat and then fell out in the parking lot. What is even weirder is that I got to school at 4:15, so when I walked back out to my car a 9:15, my socks had been sitting in the parking lot for 5 hours. Strange... goodnight!

1 comment:

MsPoppins20 said...

Has anyone ever told you that you are a goober?

No, it was 4:15pm. I go to school at 4:15am TOMORROW, get it right! And I'm not insane, the voices in my head tell me so =).