Saturday, October 01, 2005

T-minus 4 days

So many things are happening in my life right now, and I have 4, count 'em FOUR, days until I leave for Japan. I promise that I will post more about that trip before I leave, but for now I have lots of other things to say.

School started on Wednesday. I am only taking 12 credits because of the whole missing a week of school to go to Japan problem, so 12 credits equals two classes and marching band. The first class I am taking is Abnormal Psychology. This week we had to read a case study about a guy with something called Intermittent Explosive Disorder. I didn't even know there was such a thing. He had SERIOUS road rage and when someone cut him off, he forced the guy off the road and then started slamming the guy into his car hard enough to dent the door. Reading this made me wonder though, how many of these mental illnesses could be cured by better parenting? Hmmm? The guy grew up in a kind of violent home, so if this was all he knew, how do we know that he is really sick, or that he is just acting on the example that he saw at home growing up. The other class I am taking is Linguistic Anthropology and I am really enjoying the class so far. It looks at how we use language to actually convey what we mean and how the same words can mean different things in different cultures. Like I said, I am finding it very interesting because it is answering some of the questions that I had whenever I took foreign language classes. And then there is marching band. Of course! So that is my schedule for this quarter.

And then we almost got a new cat on Wednesday. There was a kitty wandering around the church parking lot when we got there for Bible study. It was the CUTEST cat ever. It had long fur and it was silky and fluffy with Siamese type markings. It had brown ears with a brown face, a blue eye, a cream colored body and white feet so it looked like it was wearing boots. It only had one eye, but it wasn't like it was icky, the eyelid was just closed like she was winking =). We couldn't figure out where she belonged so we took her home and she ended up sleeping with me in my bedroom. She woke me up about 3 times, walking on my head and meowing because she wanted me to pet her. By this time everybody in my family except my mom wanted to keep her if we couldn't figure out where she belonged. Even my dad. He kept coming in and checking on her, picking her up and cuddling her. It was so funny. And then we found her family. Apparently she got out when they were moving. So we don't have a new cat. And I am sad... I want a kitten now =)

Almost done, I promise. I watched the USC/ASU game today: USC won. I am very angry. ASU was ahead when I started watching. This was the 26th game in a row that USC has won. I think they need to lose a little bit so that it doesn't go to their heads. Oh wait, it already has =)

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