Do you ever have days were the entire world seems like it has come unglued and needs to be admitted to the mental hospital? It is on days like this that I am always careful to stop and ask myself if, perhaps, it is I who has come unglued. After all, if EVERYone around you is acting strangely, it seems more likely that you are just overreacting. But after carefully evaluating myself and coming to the realization that I am doing great today, I have deduced that all of Seattle is going crazy.
I had about the strangest day ever at work today: clients worried about the whereabouts of their clothes, someone yelling at me when I tried to help them because I "Didn't know who they were" but they hadn't even given me their name yet, my coworkers (about 10 of them) taking way too much time to put together a couch, an eventful trip to Ikea, my coworker shopping online at Abercrombie cause she had no work to do. *Sigh* Yes, it is safe to say that my day has been eventful... but boring nonetheless.
Oh, and on a fun side note, just for future reference, nectarines are NOT a very good fruit to attempt to eat while typing at a keyboard. I tried that at work today, it didn't go over so well.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Don't you just love...
...CDs that you randomly buy on a whim, but quickly turn out to be your new favorite? I do!
In other news, I think I have an addiction. Today I was at Target buying new crayons for the Primary department (VERY important purchase, you see) and since I was in the school supplies section, I ran across a package of Sharpies. But this wasn't just your average red-green-blue-black package, this had like 25 different colors. I seriously almost started drooling, right there in the middle of the store. I LOVE sharpies, especially the ultra-fine tip ones. I am not sure why, but they call to me everytime I see them. The only thing that saved me today was the fact that I didn't have $14.99 to randomly throw away on a package of Sharpies that I probably didn't really need. *Sigh* Hopefully I will be able to go on living...
P.S. No Chris (or Matt or Bryan), I don't like Sharpies because I enjoy sniffing them. I just wanted to clarify before one of you asked...
In other news, I think I have an addiction. Today I was at Target buying new crayons for the Primary department (VERY important purchase, you see) and since I was in the school supplies section, I ran across a package of Sharpies. But this wasn't just your average red-green-blue-black package, this had like 25 different colors. I seriously almost started drooling, right there in the middle of the store. I LOVE sharpies, especially the ultra-fine tip ones. I am not sure why, but they call to me everytime I see them. The only thing that saved me today was the fact that I didn't have $14.99 to randomly throw away on a package of Sharpies that I probably didn't really need. *Sigh* Hopefully I will be able to go on living...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Campmeeting '06

So I am very aware of the fact that I haven't posted in a long time. And logically, it would seem that I should post about campmeeting, as I really haven't been doing much else with my time over the last 2.5 weeks. But when I sit down to actually write about it, I am not really sure what to say. I had an awesome time, although it was one of the more strange campmeetings in my remembrance. Partially because of all of the people, and partially because the two weeks felt totally different to me. They were both fun and enjoyable, but I hung out with two very different groups of people in the two different weeks, mainly because that was when they were there. So I have decided that I will list out key inside jokes or things that I remember the most about campmeeting. If they make sense to you, consider yourself lucky, if they don't, I am very sorry. Maybe you need to hang out with me more often! =)
-"Sitting" with Mandy and Zach in church
-Zach, I think I have your goat
-"Your brain is flatlined"
-Quality Kitchenette time
-Going to see Pirates
-Going to Shari's (both times)
-Walmart and how I went there more times during campmeeting than I do during an entire typical year!!
-Going to the zoo and eating animal fries
-Quality mall time!
-"Caution Kids" ... enough said
-My promised 3 Christmas presents: Beverly Hill Billies DVDs, a jungle gym and a Honda Element
-Angel Food/Devil's Food cake discussion
-Various discussions on words, including, but not limited to:
*Ominous (Omnious!!)
-"Hiking" in flip-flops and a jeanskirt
-That crazy scary Alice in Wonderland play at the park
-Melina, the marriage wrecker
-Doing guard duty with Angela
-Hey Thomas, I secretly hate you =)
-How do you get an elephant in the subway?
-Apparently, I am now a dictator (and I have a co-dictator to boot!)
-There was this guy named Jay...
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