Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My New Love

It being Valentine's Day and all, I thought that I would share my new love with you... Running! I have rediscovered running. It is way different for me now, though, than when I did it in middle school/high school. Whereas before it was something that I forced myself to do, it is now getting to the point that if I don't go on my run, I feel antsy and I can feel the stress building in my body. I know, maybe that sounds weird... but until you have done it, there isn't really any way to explain how good it makes you feel. I figured that I wasn't getting the same amount of exercise as last quarter since I didn't have marching band brutalizing me and that I should probably find some other way to release steam. Enter in running. I jog about 3 miles, 3 times a week. Not that far, but it is far enough to keep my blood pumping and make me feel better. So yah, tomorrow is a "running day" and that makes me excited! Now if I could just find some headphones that would actually stay in my ears as I ran...

1 comment:

Mandy Sue said...

LOL..go Melina!

I'm proud of you since I hate running! I still go sometimes...but it is really hard to make myself do it on a regular basis...

Having trouble with earbuds? I have these awesome ones that came with my cell..they stay in perfectly!