Friday, February 09, 2007

Shun the Non-Believer... SHhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuunnnnnnnn

Want cool? This is where it's at:

P.S. Yes, I am just sorta avoiding doing my homework right now


Mandy Sue said...

So...that was one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen in my life!

Also, it looks like you've become a little obsessed with youtube lately have you not?

MsPoppins20 said...

I know it appears that I have become obsessed with YouTube, but really, I haven't. All of these things that I am posting have recently been shown to me by someone else and they just happened to be on YouTube.

About Charlie, well, it's great. I love it. I showed it to my siblings and Lindsey liked it, but Alex was less than impressed. Now everytime Lindsey and I want to bother Alex, we just start saying things like, "Charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllllllllllie, Charrrrrrllllliiiiiieee, Were on a bridge Chaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrllllie." It is great and works too!

Mandy Sue said...

LOL! Too funny! But yeah, Charlie and Candy Mountain was awesome!!

Zach and I cracked up through the entire thing!!

Mindy said...

Ahhhh!!!!! My brother showed me Charlie last summer and I about died!!! You should check out Bitey's Castle, just be careful, some of it can be a little scary/weird. Anyway, I'm thrilled that I am once again allowed to post on people's blogs!!! I couldn't for so long and now I'm free!!!!