We left for London Thursday morning, the 16th. (In case you didn't know, "we" was Jessi, Shauna, Joe and I... all piccs, going to visit Lynn, who was a picc but graduated and is avoiding real life by moving to London for 6 months). Our first bit of excitement came when we realized that our flight leaving Seattle had been delayed so that we had 11 minutes to transfer in Detroit. Not good. We got to the airport and they sai

Anyways, we managed to get to Gatwick airport without much problem and then we rode the Thameslink into London, which was about 45 minutes away. Once in London, we took the tube (otherwise known as the London Underground, but never the subway!) to the station near Lynn's flat. Then we walked the 10 minutes or so that it took to get to her place. All of this with luggage in tow... for future reference, I would try to avoid this sort of situation. The British have never heard of the American's with Disabilities Act (rightly so, seeing as how they are not Americans) and inevitably, the tube station you need will not have an elevator or even an escalator, just a never ending stair case leading up into the abyss.
Seeing as how Lynn does have a real "fake" job in London, she had to get all of her good touristing in with us over the weekend. We went

Monday Lynn went back to work and we had already decided that we were going to go to Bath for the day. Bath is where the ancient Romans built spas or "baths" using the hot spring found there, and it is about 90 minutes from London. Sunday we got our whole itinerary figured out and we purchased our tickets online, leave at 10:00 am,

Tuesday was our first real day in London to be tourists and we spent it going to the British Museum, walking down White Hall and seeing Parliament/Big Ben/10 Downing Street, and capping it all off wit

Wednesday we went to St. Paul's Cathedral and then did some shopping in Soho. St. Paul's was amazing, especially in contrast with

Thursday, we went to some more markets in the morning that were rather boring to me... but again, compromise, right? (It seems to me that I did a lot of compromising on this trip...)

If you have made it this far, I am impressed. I really am. My trip was awesome and it was a once in a lifetime experience that I would love to repeat again if I ever had the opportunity. I am sad in that I have really just given you a blow by blow of what we did, and not what I *thought* about what we did or the funny things that happened. If I think of something pertinent, I may post it up here. But for now, this has already taken way too long... goodnight!