I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a little while. My life is crazy. As always. Why am I surprised by this?
This week I have a paper due, a 20 minute PowerPoint presentation to prepare and present, a discussion to lead (which requires me to read 3, 15 page packets of information that are all dryer than a bone!), my stats homework, a micro-bio quiz, a stats quiz, and last but not least, my sociology reading, which is probably an additional 100 pages. So yah, bare with me. I am also going to Yakima special meetings tomorrow, which is a full day endeavor because of where Yakima is located. I'm also in the process of getting my graduation announcements all figured out, printed, and mailed, which is slightly time consuming as well. There was a Husky baseball game last night that was played at Safeco field and it lasted 3.5 hours, so I didn't leave Safeco until 11.15 and then didn't get home until 12ish. And then this morning I got up and went to Windermere Cup and didn't get home from that until about 3.30. Now I am trying to not lose all momentum, but my brain seriously won't engage at all. Driving to the gas station and Target just about used up all of my focusing abilities, which is really bad. While all of these things have been fun, I am TIRED! I have been going full steam ahead for a little too long now. I need a break.
A little about the wedding last weekend... it was fabulous! I had a most excellent time the entire weekend. I would put up details complete with pictures, but most of the pictures I want to post were taken on Warren's camera and I didn't get a chance to get them before I came back to Seattle. So as soon as Warren gets back from China in 3 weeks, I will post some pictures and explain things then. But for now, I'll give you a brief overview. I went down Friday afternoon, got a Mani/Pedi with Lisa and Natalie and then did the rehearsal that night. The rehearsal dinner was held at this cute restaurant out in Oregon City by the Clackamas River, so it definitely felt like the country. Warren and I were already going to be late because I was waiting for him to get into town. But then we went WAY too far down this nice country road. It was such a nice, summer-esque night and it felt really good to just drive down the road with the windows rolled down, enjoying the smells of being in the country. Once we realized we had passed the road we wanted, we turned around at a Christmas tree farm, which just about made my day. I do have this picture, though (and yes, Warren is a little hunched, he doesn't always look quite like that!):
Saturday was the wedding and it was a full day. We did pictures before, which was nice, but by the time the wedding and reception were over, I was tired. An interesting story about pictures, Lisa and Josh wanted to do them at Reed College. Now Reed is a VERY liberal arts school, so yah, keep that in mind. We had just gotten there and realized we couldn't go to the place they had wanted to because there was a paint ball war going on. So while we were trying to figure out where to take pictures, I see this group of people come around the corner. The guy in front stopped and he shouted, "It's a wedding!" Okay? And then the people behind him start running and screaming and they are coming straight toward us. And they are all blue. And they are all naked. And there were like 50 of them, guys and girls. It was INSANE! I could have lived my entire life without ever having experienced that! While I was doing this, Warren and my grandpa started talking and somehow one thing led to another and my grandpa ended up giving Warren a full on tour of the Tabernacle. Like in the Attic. When Warren told me, I was like, "I have never even been in the attic!" Oh well, I was glad he found an interesting way to entertain himself while I was being subjected to the blue people. Anyway, after the wedding and reception were cleaned up, Warren wanted to go actually see some of Portland, so we went downtown and just walked around some. It was a BEAUTIFUL spring day with clear blue skies and sunshine, so that was good times. And then Sunday we got up early, had breakfast at Elmer's (!) and then went our separate ways. Like I said, it was a most excellent time and it gave me a little bit of a vacation, but it made it really hard to come back last week and get into the swing of things. Plus senioritis is majorly kicking in. A lot of my friends who attend schools that started in August are graduating this weekend and next weekend, but I'm still expected to be going strong. Oh well... 1 more month! I can do it.

Anyway, that is it for now. I really need to do some homework. If you guys don't hear from me for a week or so, now you know why. Oh yah, and as of today, I am instating a new policy. If you haven't posted to your blog in the last month, you are no longer on my "stalker" list. Consider yourselves warned!
yeah it's from "Little Man" right?
LOL...unfortunately I wouldn't know about the O.C. Supertones. I was only just introduced to them by Zach a few months ago. I'm sure he would know though--seeing as how he has most-if not all-of their CDs.
As for the wedding, sounds like you had a good time! And getting lost in the country sounds very much more entertaining than being at work right now = )
Yah, the line is from "Little Man". Whenever I get really, really busy, that part of the song always starts running through my head.
As for liking the Supertones, I have listened to them since I was in like 7th grade. Considering that I am now a senior in college, that is a fairly long time. I think that I too have most of their CDs, with the exception of like a remix or something.
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