Thursday, September 22, 2005

$2.87=Cheap Gas?

I just have to say that it is rather pathetic when I consider gas that is $2.87 a gallon to be cheap. Very frustrating that I want to go cruising in my car and listen to my new stereo but I can't because I am not rich enough to pay for the gas! This is ridiculous... I definitely bought a car at the wrong point in history. Oh well....

A lot of things have actually happened that I want to post about, but I don't have time tonight. I watched The O.C. and Reunion both for the first time tonight while I knitted (knat?... was knitting?), I don't know. And now I am afraid that it is time for me to take my runny nose and congested self and go to bed. I hate being sick. I promise to post more later. I just finished reading Thr3e by Ted Dekker and I really hope that someone out there has read it because I want to talk about it a little. I know that Matthew has. But I will leave that post for a later date. I really am going to bed now.... I promise. I am rambling, yes, that means I'm tired. Goodnight!

P.S. The Huskies won on Saturday! Washington 34, Idaho 6... just wanted to share the joy =)


Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how much I feel your pain about gas prices. I wondered the same thing myself yesterday when I thought, "$2.89! Gas is coming down."


Anonymous said...

you know you can always discuss Thr3e (ok, ihad to type that 5 times, and i think it's still wrong) with me any time!! And yay for knitting & the OC - at least then you can be doing something productive so it doesn't really count as "trash tv" time - at least that's what I try to tell myself... I'm assuming you're working on your black scarf? I'm excited to see how it's coming along - my stinkin' baby blanket is taking forever. Agh.

MsPoppins20 said...

Yah, I was working on my black scarf. Maybe I'll bring it to church on Sunday, depends on how much progress I have made. You are correct, I love knitting because it gives me a good excuse to watch stupid shows on T.V.! I had never watched the O.C. before. Not sure if I will ever watch it again, but it was interesting for the time being =) I don't really have any shows that I follow. My problem is that I will watch it faithfully and then I will miss one or they will start playing reruns and then I get frustrated. I used to watch Gilmore Girls and Smallville, but I stopped because of the afore mentioned problems.