Wednesday, September 14, 2005

End of Day 2...

and I am sore. S...O...R...E... SORE. And I have a blister on my foot. How I am going to march for 12 hours tomorrow is beyond me. But I will deal with it because I LOVE MARCHING BAND!

It is so great to not be a rookie this year. I actually know what I am doing now (sort of) and I don't have to wear the same stinky white shirt all week.

In other exciting news, if I have to play Louie Louie tomorrow, I may kill myself. We have been practicing our choreography for our stands tunes (ie dances) and there is this part in Louie Louie where you just get lower and lower and lower in a squatting position. Yah, my thighs will not stand for that abuse another day. And the jumping in Johnny Q isn't far behind... I'm sure feeling my age =)

More to come later. I promise I won't only write about marching band, but it is sort of consuming my life at the moment.


Zachary J. Miles said...

Hmmm... I actually hated marching band. After one year of it I was ready to shoot myself. Not sure how you deal with it but props to you because I know just what you are talking about. Which brings me full circle... I hated marching band.

Mindy said...

Ahhh, the joys of being a string player, although I did always think it might be fun to march in an orchestra. The torrential downpour, while perhaps tolerable here or California, is not acceptable in Washington. I label you "Wonderwoman," for the squats and the near drowning.

MsPoppins20 said...

To Goliath: I emailed my blog to the people in my address book. But thank you for reading it, I will write about non-marching band related to things once they occur. We have a rally tomorrow night, and it made me think of the rally you came on last year. Fun stuff =)

To Zach: Well, marching band isn't for everybody. Some people are just cooler than others =) But on the plus side, I do get to play some really awesome music and I have great seats for all the games. Which isn't worth much at this moment...

To Mindy: I wasn't listing all of my plights so that you could pity me, but if you want to think of me as wonderwoman, I would welcome the nickname =)

Stacy said...

Ok well since I've never been in band period, I guess I don't have much to say other than this. It was always fun going to the games and watching the band at half time out on the field. Not that I went to many games, but the ones I did go to I remember enjoying watching them.

Keep up the HARD work Melina your doing great!!