Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Since Chris has so kindly pointed out that my life has been stuck on "AAAGGGHH!" for the past week, I figured that I should post. Although, really, my life has been stuck on "AAAGGGHH!", so the post is technically still accurate. I knew that a time would come when I would regret the fact that I had been posting so often recently. I've got you guys trained to expect it now or something.

Anyways, my life can be summed up in about 10 words: Organic Chemistry, Irish History, Statistics, Essay, Church, Work, Dog & LONDON! I am down to 8 days left in the quarter and my world feels as if it is spiraling out of control. On top of classes/work/church, I had an essay to write, two tests to take, a dog to watch for 13 days and a trip to London to plan. The future is looking brighter now, though... as the tests are over, the paper is done, my dear little doggy friend goes home on Friday (it's not hard to watch him or anything, I just have to make sure I work walking him and stuff into my days), and I finally have an idea of some of the things I want to do while I am in London. All I have to do now is study for finals, but I have a week and a half. Then I get to get ready to leave! I am so stoked to be going... T-Minus 15 days.

That really is all that is new with me. This is a lame post and for that I apologize. But to answer Stacy's question from like a week ago, yes, I did get my classes for spring quarter and I get a pet rat!!! (More to come on this, I promise)


MsPoppins20 said...

So... totally unlike you, right???

Rational Icthus said...


MsPoppins20 said...

Touché... NOT!!

I think that you have simply copied my insult. GET YOUR OWN! =)