Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I have four words for you...

They Might Be Giants. Ever heard of the song, "Istanbul not Constantinople?" Yes, it is a real song. They are the driving force behind the version that most people recognize. If you like funny, sort of eclectic, but terribly witty alternative rock music, they are your guys. I am not quite sure why my blog always ends up talking about music, but I can't say that I really mind.

On another note, I have about 50 things that are more important for me to be doing than updating my blog, but I feel like doing this. I had my anthropology of linguistics midterm today. It went rather well and overall I am very pleased with myself. I am really enjoying the class and if it weren't for the fact that I already have a major and I don't think I would be employable, anthropology would be an interesting field to go into. I think I may have been bitten by the anthropology bug... they say thats what happens when you take one class. But alas, I bore you.

Actually, my life is sort of boring overall right now. I am stuck in the middle of the quarter and I can't seem to find my way out. I would kill to be able to have an evening to myself and watch a bunch of movies and just hang out. I had an awesome time this past weekend, but now I dont even feel like I had a weekend because of it. Lets see, Friday was school as usual but I stayed on campus and went out to lunch with Shauna, went to American Apparel, went to her apartment and then finally walked back to campus to catch a bus home so I could get my car and come back for rehearsal. Friday night I spent way too much time debating with my brother over what to get my mom for her birthday (we finally got her salt/pepper grinders.) Saturday I baked cookies and then went to a pumpkin patch and then since we were near Lynn's house in Redmond, she drove us there (in my car) so we could "see where Lynn came from." (This only makes sense if you actually know Lynn.) Amazingly enough, she came from a nice suburb with a nice family and nice parents. Who'd 'a thunk? Then we went to Lynn's apartment and carved pumpkins and watched Flashdance (awful movie). Then I went back to Shauna's apartment so she could get her stuff and then she came and stayed with me so she could go to church the next morning for her Religion class. And Sunday was Sunday, enough said.

*Sigh* I read back over what I already wrote and just reading it makes me cringe because it sounds so frantic. I think it is time for me to call it an early night. Goodnight guys. I will try to post again soon about interesting things, but like I said, I'm pretty boring right now =)


Anonymous said...

You are so fnj! (ok, just had to get that verification word in here)

So... I played my cd all the way to Tacoma & back, and I can say that Ang. H just doesn't appreciate TMBG... I was cracking up the whole time, though! =)

Hang in there! Life will get calmer - maybe next year? I figured out that I can have a break in January after our 50th anniversary celebration... That's not so long, right?? If I don't drop dead first. =)

MsPoppins20 said...

Oh my goodness... that cracks me up about Ang H. Somehow, I didn't think that she would find them to her liking, but I am glad that you do! I am still really enjoying your cd, Death Cab for Cutie is great. And I really like Holding out for a Hero (Not to mention that White Stripes song, yay garage bands!)

Speaking of being busy... aren't you supposed to be working on paperwork today? Stop sitting in the coffee shop reading my blog ... =)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah... i needed a break! But I got a ton of stuff done which has helped my mood immensely. Now if I can just get through my 2 IEP meetings & the school visit from Apple Computers today things will be great! Ok, off to go dress professionally... =)