Tuesday, November 15, 2005

My terrible horrible no-good very bad day...

In a nutshell... flea bites. I can sum up my bad day with those two words. At last count, the total was up to 15. This stinks... I have no clue where they are coming from. Well, I would assume from fleas, but where the fleas are coming from, I really don't know. I have washed my bedding and all my clothes about 2 times now and I vacuumed my whole room, yet they continue to strike. I think I'm gonna have to go get something so that I can bomb my room... which does not sound appealing in the slightest. Not to mention that I don't have the time to be dealing with this. The other major part of my bad day is that two of the pads fell out of my piccolo at practice tonight. So now I have to deal with the inconvenience of taking it to get it repaired, not to mention paying for it. Stupid weather..... what with the humidity in Japan and the massive downpours we have been having here, I think my pads decided they had been treated ill enough. But no more talking about the bad things.

Last weekend I went shopping! Yay... that made me very happy, in true girly fashion. I spent more money than I should have and bought things that I probably didn't need, but where is the fun in buying only things that you need? My most exciting purchase, a pair of Nine West boots for way less than they should have been. And in more exciting news.... THE FOURTH HARRY POTTER MOVIE COMES OUT FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT!!! I can hardly wait. I bought my ticket last night for a 12:01 am showing. YES!! I am so excited about this. And then in even MORE exciting news, Apple Cup is this weekend AND we won our game last weekend. So I am holding out hope for the Apple Cup. So all in all, my life isn't too horrible, its just that when you want to cut your legs off because they itch so badly, you tend to forget the good things =)

On a final note: I bought a Luna bar for breakfast today and on the packaging it said "The Whole Nutrition Bar for Women." Which reminded me how when I was a senior, my calculus teacher used to always make fun of Luna bars, calling them "estrogen bars" and arguing that he couldn't eat them because he was a male. He was afraid they would turn him into a woman or something.... I don't know. Remembering it made me laugh though!

1 comment:

Rational Icthus said...

What about fleas in your band uniform? It's not all that unusual for Huskies to have fleas...