Monday, November 07, 2005

Regarding Penguins:

"They are creatures of pure goodness and light." -- Shauna

I just had to include this fabulous qoute from this evening. I know it won't make much sense, but I thought it was terribly funny and I just had to share.

In other news, do you ever have one of those days where you just wish that you didn't have to do so much so that you could have more time to do more? Confusing, I know, but for example, today I was on a ROLL at home, cleaning/studying/doing laundry... you name it. But then I had to stop all of those things and go to band. *Sigh* first time in a while that I actually wanted to do work and then I didn't have enough time. Ironic. Not to mention all of the things that I wanted to do for fun and didnt get to do either...

I will post more later, but I am feeling guilty about even posting at all, what with all the aforementioned things that I have to do... hopefully tomorrow!


Bryan said...

Yah, I hate getting on roll then having to stop. It is one of the reasons I stay up so late at times. Once you get going, you can't stop otherwise.... AHHH! Anyway, good luck with multitasking. :)

Rational Icthus said...

Coffee. The elixir of the multitasker. This fabulous brew gives me 20 hours each day for doing stuff instead of the regular 16.

Mountain Dew (Code Red) works as well, as does the panoply of sugar and caffeine concoctions masquerading as health/energy drinks.