Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Proof that God does actually care about Seattle...

The sun is shining! Well, not at this precise moment, considering that it is dark outside. But the sun has been shining for the past two days. I think that the sun probably helped all of us Seattleites fight our post-superbowl/seasonal affective disorder depression. The sky has been blue, the grass has been amazingly green and the mountains have been majestic. It feels like I am seeing everything for the first time. I guess thats what something like 42 days of rain in the past 50 days can do to a person. I wish that I had had my camera. I would have taken some pictures, but my parents had it in Victoria. It is on days like these that I realize all over again how beautiful Seattle is. To quote an unnamed person, "Everything is so green!" And I would have to agree... all the colors are just so vibrant. Especially after a rainstorm. That's just nature, though, don't get me started on the city itself... like driving the freeway at night... going underneath all the giant buildings downtown... driving on the viaduct with the city on one side and Puget Sound on the other... up I-5 with Lake Union on one side and UW on the other... Kerry park with the Space Needle right there. Yah I need to stop... I am getting a bit ridiculous.

In other news, you all should check out this guy that Tricia found for me:
http://yyyc514.backpackit.com/pub/48159. What do you think? True love?

I have stayed up way too late for the past gazillion nights, so I am going to bed now. It finally caught up with me today at work... I had to take a walk around the block to keep from falling asleep. And now I have a horrendous headache. I will be back soon though... I have many things to post and not enough time to post them!


Rational Icthus said...

This guy is not the one for you. He spends *way* too much time writing to ever have a deep relationship with someone...

MsPoppins20 said...

Well I am glad that you think he is not the guy for me... I find him sorta creepy.

Rational Icthus said...

So come and visit already!