Sunday, February 05, 2006

So how about those Seahawks?

Do I really even want to talk about this? I'm not sure... the wound is still too fresh. I can't speak for all of the game, as I went to church and only saw through the middle of the 3rd quarter (my stupid VCR didn't record... I hate VCRs.) BUT the refs seemed to be smoking some pretty strong crack for a lot of that game. Like the second quarter when the Steelers got a touchdown when the ball didn't even enter the end zone. I must admit, though, that while the Seahawks played okay, they didn't play the way that I know they can. Yah... I am bitter... leave other bitter comments if you would like!

P.S. WHERE DID IT GO???!!!??? I had a nice post here about how I will get to graduate from college and I figured out all my classes, now it is gone. *poof* Just like that... into thin air. I didn't delete it, I just said to make a new post so I could talk about the great tragedy of the day. Grrr.... this is why I don't like computers sometimes. They are going to take over the world one day, mark my words.


Rational Icthus said...

The Seahawks played just fine, thank you very much.

They led in time of possession.

They won the turnover battle.

They led in total yards.

No team in the history of the Superbowl has ever won all three of the above battles and lost. In fact, only rarely (I think two or three times only) has a team won two of these and lost.

So what happened? What made the difference?

Thanks, refs.

Bryan said...


Seahawks were the better team. That is why they beat themselves.


MsPoppins20 said...

Yah, the way one sports columnist from Seattle sees it, the Seahawks should have been up 24-0 at half time. What gives?

I have a theory. I have been at enough football games over the past two years (and bad games at that) to know what a stupid call by the refs can do to a team. Defeat. Disbelief. Loss of all motivation. If you will... desperation, as in, "How are we supposed to play when they are making calls like THAT?!?!"

Now I am not suggesting that the Seahawks are anything like the Huskies, so I don't think that they experienced all of these feelings. I also think that they are a big enough, and good enough, team to overcome a stupid call. But if it keeps happening again and again... on really dumb things... IN THE BIGGEST GAME OF YOUR LIFE!!! Yah, I can see how that may set them up to not play as well as they should have.

P.S. OH MY WORD!!! I think that these stupid word verification things are just to test your typing abilities. See if you know where are all the random keys (like x,z, v and q) are located on the keyboard.

Bryan said...

Random keys like x,v, z and q? That is your idea of random?

There were not that may bad calls against Seattle. What you might call a bad call (i.e. - the pass interference in the end zone) were borderline calls, and could have been prevented. Don't push off another player.

They. Couldn't. Catch. The. Ball. Period.