Since ya'll were complaining about the previous picture I had posted here, I posted a new, prettier one. I had this flower and it was the most amazing shade of hot pink... so I decided that instead of doing my homework, I would experiment more with my digital camera. This was actually taken with the "vivid color" setting... and the color looks, well, vivid. I really like it cause the colors almost look painted on, they are so vibrant. So do you approve of this over the one of my hand?
In other news, I am tired and feeling incredibly stressed. I should do homework, but my eyes won't stay open so I am going to head to bed. I have two fairly substantial quizzes this week (don't be fooled by the word "quiz") as well as a midterm. I need to study but I feel like I don't have any time. I know that I need to work and everything cause I need money, but right now, it is really feeling like wasted time. Time that could be spent doing chemistry problems (oh the joy!) Hopefully I can be productive tomorrow since I don't work... we will see.
P.S. Update on the hand: doing well and healing up, but it is still there (the blister... my hand is supposed to be there). It doesn't hurt, but now it itches... one of these days, I might just get mad enough at it and do something drastic.
My wife the nurse says itching means that a wound is healing. I hate healing.
No blisters on the flower. Not near as cool.
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