Wednesday, January 11, 2006


This post may be a little scattered brained as my mind is currently jumping all over the place. I have about fifty different things I want to post and none of them have to do with each other!!

First order of business, I am getting better!!! It took 10 days, but today I actually got through my day with only 2 pills and one 45 minute nap. This cold was killer in that it just sapped all of the energy out of my body. I would not recommend this as a good way to start your quarter. All last week I felt like I was moving in a fog ... which is bad, very bad. I always have a hard time starting the new quarter cause I am usually adjusting to a new work schedule/class schedule/homework schedule/freetime schedule. Until I figure out where all of these things are happening, I feel slightly crazed cause I can't remember what I am supposed to be doing when. Once I get my schedule down, then I can actually plan cause I know how much time I have and when this time occurs. So it was not a good thing that I had no energy/couldn't remember anything/had a new schedule to deal with all at the same time.

In terms of classes... yah, they are interesting. I am taking chemistry, AGAIN! Which is slightly frustrating and a very long story, but I will not get into it now. On the good side, everything that we are doing is total review and not hard at all. On the bad/weird side, my professor is this quirky old guy with an accent who mumbles and speaks with his chin down and into his chest. And then he comes to class 15 minutes late. He has been late by at least 10 minutes everyday this week. I don't know whats up with that. My Irish History class is really cool. The professor is very no-nonsense and he is an incredibly good lecturer... which is good given that it is a history class. He looks like he belongs at one of those Ivy League schools (insert one here, I don't care which one) out of the movies. It is making me want to go to Ireland though. My other class is Statistics for Psychology. The professor is pretty funny and really easy to like, although he does unbutton his shirt too far at the collar (come on, I know you know what I am talking about!) It is rather funny though, cause being a psychologist, he came in on the first day and said that he wanted to make sure he helped us with our "test anxiety" should we have any. It was hilarious! I mean, in what other field would the professor call it "test anxiety" and offer tips for coping with it? The class is BORING though. I already know everything that we are doing, and I sit there thinking that I am just going to start laughing maniacally soon cause I can't take it much longer. Hopefully we will get into some interesting stuff soon... but so far I have been bored to tears. So thats it. It looks as if currently, I know everything in 2 out of 3 of my classes. I'm sure that this will change soon... I just hope that I am paying enough attention that I notice when we are doing things that I don't know anymore.

On an update note: No more fleas for me! I haven't even seen one since we "vacuumed" our cat =)

Random piece of advice note: If you want to walk faster, listen to Techno while walking (this goes for driving too... but I am not advocating that!) I've been listening to techno on my iPod while I am at school and I find myself speed walking all over the place... and UW has some big hills to be speed walking up! Maybe it is just the marcher in me, but if I am listening to music, I always have to match the tempo with the speed of my steps. For what it's worth, I also have to be in-step if I am walking with somebody. Anyway, the tempo in techno is usually right up there. So that is my random piece of advice for the day. Like I said... this goes for driving too, so maybe this should be a cautionary piece of advice also.

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