Tuesday, January 24, 2006


MY HAND HURTS!!!!!!!!! This is the list of things that I currently cannot do: use a mouse, drive my stick shift, write with a pencil, hold a fork correctly, play my flute, type quickly, wash my hands with ease, lift heavy things, take a shower without it taking 20 minutes, fix my hair. The list goes on and on.

And this is the list of things that I need to do tomorrow that requires the use of my hand: Take a chemistry midterm (where I have to write like a mother), take notes in class, play my flute, drive my car. I'm frustrated and in pain and am going to bed.


MsPoppins20 said...

I had to get two warts frozen off of my palm on Monday. I now have two blisters on the palm of my right hand. One is the size of a small grape... I think they got into some healthy tissue with that one. Anyways, every time I hold something or exert pressure, it sends pain up my arm. I am currently typing one handed! Also attempting to become ambidexturous, but it isn't working so hot.

Falling LEAVes said...

Ouch... hopefully that wasn't as painful as having them burned off... believe me... the smell of burning flesh isn't something I'd want to relive

Rational Icthus said...

Hey, warts are people too! Freeze 'em off? That's so cold.

Falling LEAVes said...

How do you feel about burning them off?

MsPoppins20 said...

I'm not sure how I feel. In the end, they usually do end up going away, but for me the process has never been cut and dry. Something always seems to happen to make it more complicated. It takes a while to actually heal and I think it is all very bothersome. If there was another surefire way to get rid of them, I would probably skip freezing altogether.

The pain, though, actually isn't that bad. It stings when you get it done and it is typically sore and burny feeling for about a day, but after that it *should* just do its thing and heal. I say *should* because obviously, I am living proof to the contrary.

Falling LEAVes said...

hmmm i don't recall having any problems after getting mine burned off