THIS is what I have to deal with. I just thought I would share the misery with all of you lovely people! At least it doesn't hurt anymore, it's just there and annoying. It should go away on its own, I checked with the doctor... the question is, "When?" My hand was the star of the party last night at the band banquet. Jessi already knew about it cause she had seen me in Symphonic on Monday after my doctor's appointment. So she kept asking people if they wanted to see my hand. It would go something like this:
Me: Are you sure? It is really gross.
Them: Yah, I'm fine, I really want to see it
Me: Okay, if you say so
*Show them my blister*
Them: EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! (usually involved hand over the mouth/ turning around)
Me: I told you it was gross
Them: Can I see it again?
Yah, whatever. Just wanted to spread the joy!
eh... um... er.... makes me more grateful that I never had to have mine frozen off. They just started disappearing on their own (except for the two that had to be burned off, then again, that happened years ago)
That's just nasty.
So she's been saving them up? Does that make her a warthog?
No, it just means that I am a student at Hogwarts =)
Oh you poor thing! I know I'm a little late on this one, but i had to check it out after Chris' comment on you having this.
What exactly caused this??
How is your hand now??
Well, I went to the doctor on Jan 23 (almost 3 weeks ago now) and I had a little wart on the palm of my hand. They said that they could freeze it off with liquid nitrogen, which is what they did. But the wart was so little that they actually succeeded in killing healthy, normal tissue around the wart too. So then I developed this GIANT blister cause it was basically akin to having frostbite on that part of my hand. The blister finally started to pop yesterday, but up until then, my hand still looked like it did in the picture, although it didn't hurt. Unfortunatley, my hand isn't completely back to normal yet, but it is getting there.
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