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Roosevelt High School 2003
Last night I was looking for something and I tore my entire room apart because I could NOT find it. Finally, on a last whim, I checked my year book from my senior year, and I had just happened to hav
e stuck it in there between two of the pages. But since I had the year book out, I decided to read through it. Next time I complain about the fact that I had to move to Seattle my senior year, tell me to go read my year book. Quite frankly, I was AMAZED by the number of people I met at Roosevelt and the number of friends I made. I guess I just sort of blocked it out because it wasn't the happiest year for me. But looking back from where I am now, I realize that I did have a pretty good year and I had friends. I know that sounds weird to say, but being the sort of social person that I am, not having friends my senior year would have really sucked. And somehow I managed to maintain a positive attitude through it all (at least at school), cause that is something almost everyone commented on. I know that was only through the Lord giving me the strength to deal with it all. True, it wasn't the senior year that I had planned out for myself, but the Lord knew what he was doing and he has worked it all out way better than I would have ever imagined. He never ceases to amaze me!This also raises lots of scary questions about the fact that in less than a year, I will be graduating once again. But if the Lord worked out the first graduation so well, I know that he will take care of this one too!
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