Although I'm not sure what I will do with myself once the lovely and delightful Harry Potter world comes to an end. I just hope that J.K. Rowling isn't too mean in who she ends up killing off and is able to wrap up the books with a little bit of hope still intact. Cause after all, that is what I think the series is all about. All of these bad things happen, but there is still a bit of hope and because of that they are able to keep on going. Anyhow, I'm not here to argue or debate or speculate, I'm just here to say that I preordered this last night!!!
(It's the cover art from the front AND the back of the book, don't get all confused now)So the question remains, anyone else as excited as I am for this book? Or for the 5th movie? Which apparently is now being released on July 11th instead of July 13th (which would have been Friday the 13th). Does this mean that it is opening ALL day on July 11th; so that a midnight showing would actually take place Tuesday night, July 10th? Or is it opening the evening of July 11th? I can't find this information anywhere and it is making me sad. Oh well, no matter when it officially opens, I am SOOO there for the 1st showing!
I too have my copy of the 7th book reserved at B & N and Zach and I are planning on going to the midnight release of the book.
As for the movie, still planning on it, although, now I'm curious about the date....hopefully we'll figure that out soon!
I'm so excited!!!
I was absolutely stoked when it came out! My household (my parents and I) listen to these on CD, since the reader is and absolute GENIUS, and I have to admit that there was about a three week hiatus right there in the middle of the book. While I love Harry Potter, things started getting a little intense and it can drive me a little biffy when I can't just skip ahead (yeah, I admitted it, ya got a problem, people??). As for the movies.... I still haven't seen four. They seem to have gotten progressively worse, from what I've heard.
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