Friday, June 08, 2007

My secret weapon

I know that Linda has written about Bloglines before, but I just had to put in my two cents. I heard about this about a year ago, but I never went to the "effort" of setting up an account. After getting tired of repeatedly checking back on blogs that never seemed to be updated (yes, that would be YOU guys!), I decided that it was time to pull out the big guns. I got a Bloglines account, and although I have only had it for a couple days, it is amazing. I love that I know instantly when something new has been posted. Similarly, I don't have to waste time going to each blog that I read to see if anything has been updated. The only down side (as I see it) is that you aren't told when new comments have been posted, so I will have to check back on those occasionally. Also, it couldn't find the feed for Mindy or Bryan's blogs, so I apologize if I accidentally miss one of your posts since I am stuck checking yours manually. Anyhow... just thought I would share the good news with you all.

And as if you haven't noticed... my blogging rate has increased exponentially over the past couple of days. This is due mainly to the fact that I am done with classes for the summer, so I actually have time to get caught up with stuff. I don't promise to keep this rate up (as I AM going to do other things this summer than just sit in front of my computer!), but I will try my best to post things as they happen, instead of a month after the fact like with Lisa and Josh's wedding.


Anonymous said...

bloglines is wonderful!! I have been addicted for quite some time... It has aided my craft/knitting blog addiction - it's oh so easy to click "sub with bloglines" and then later realize I'm subscribed to 84 blogs... =)

Falling LEAVes said...

hehe I had to look through my archives to see how long ago I blogged about bloglines. Yay, Melina! Yeah, Mindy and Bryan's blogs don't have RSS feeds. Bloglines is great! I have so many Dodger blogs and photo blogs. Did you know bloglines can follow flickr accounts too? I have sooo many feeds!

Stacy said...

Ok so I signed up but I don't fully get it. So please do explain how it lets start with the basics. I like the idea of being notified when there is a new post, but can't figure that out.....

HELP girls = )

MsPoppins20 said...

Some imporant points about Bloglines:

Step 1: Get an account (I'm thinking this is pretty self explainatory)

Step 2: Subscribe to the blogs you read by using the "Sub with Bloglines" button. You can get here by going to the home page, clicking on "Subscribe" and then clicking on the link "Easy Subscribe Button". Once you have saved this to your favorites, all you have to do is click on this link when you are viewing a website that you want to subscribe to.

Step 3: Download the notifier and it should display in your task bar next to the clock. When the red circly thing is there, you know that new posts have been added to the feeds that you subscribed to.

Make sense? I hope so. I don't use it for alot of the other things that you can use it for, so I don't know about those. I mainly just use it to tell me when blogs have been updated.

Stacy said...

Ok I think I got's going to take me a while to get used to. But like you said it's pretty much only to notify me when there is a new blog. We'll see how I do with it.