Saturday, December 17, 2005

So it happened again...

...the Lord came through for me and worked stuff out when I had been idiotic and messed things up, mainly by purchasing a plane ticket before my classes were finalized =) Well, after much searching and great anguish, I found a class that fit right into my schedule, was actually interesting and most importantly... had a final while I was still going to be in the country! So now I am taking the History of Ireland which may sound boring to ya'll, but I am thrilled because I love history. I was going to minor in history until I realized that just getting my requirements for psych fulfilled and doing all the prereqs for nursing would probably take up a great deal of the time I had left in college. So I am excited that I am taking a history class again. The only bad thing about this schedule as I see it is that I have chem lab every Monday night from 6:30 to 9:20. I am not super excited about that, or about the fact that I am taking chem AGAIN, but that is another story for another time.

As if this means anything to anybody, but I recently decided to switch from a BS in psych to a BA for the stupidest reason ever: I can't take the stats class that goes with the BS this term. Unfortunately, stats is one of those pesky classes that ends up being a prereq for a lot of other classes you need to take, such as my lab classes, so I decided that I needed to go ahead and take stats ASAP in order to be able to take other stuff later. The stats class is where the BS and BA start to differ and the BS one wouldn't fit into my schedule so therefore, by default, I am now getting a BA. I know this may seem like a rash decision, but I have been told multiple times by my advisors that unless you are planning on going into clinical research, which I am not, you don't really need to get a BS. So don't ask me why I was going for it... I probably don't have a good answer.

My distinct lack of school this week has allowed me to do other things that needed to get done... such as realizing that the tabs on my car expired last month and nobody ever told me. I didn't get a letter or warning or anything. The only thing I can figure is that perhaps it went to the old owner since I purchased the car less than 2 months before the tabs expired. Anyway, if it wasn't for the fact that I had been curious about it, then I would be driving around with expired tabs. So $129.75 later I had new tabs and I am good to go for 1 year. For those of you who don't live in the beautiful state of Washington or the wonderful city of Seattle, let me explain why this was SO STINKING EXPENSIVE. We get the privilege of renewing every year and due to the monorail tax, I had to pay $76 just because. Now the monorail is a funny thing in that Seattle doesn't have any form of lightrail system (think MAX in Portland). So a couple of years ago, people decided that we needed one, which I think is cool and everything, but the way it was pitched and the people planning and the sheer amount of money it was going to cost didn't go over well with the voters and they voted it down 4 times I believe. The latest one being this last November. But due to the huge expense these people racked up doing studies and getting estimates and needing salaries and all that, I had to pay taxes on something that isn't even happening anymore. And the worst part is that the debt from just planning the stupid thing isn't expected to be paid off for 2-3 years. So even if we do come up with another idea, we will still be paying for this old idea that we threw away. Brilliant! I could have used that money to pay for my tail-light cover that I smashed when I backed into our garbage can... but again, another story for another time. Go to bed children... tomorrow is Sunday!


Rational Icthus said...

Die, monorail, die!

MsPoppins20 said...

Hey now... I can pay "tabs" on my car if I want to! Just as long as they get paid, right? =)

Falling LEAVes said...

hmm... history of ireland eh? Is there one of the history of scotland?