Friday, December 02, 2005

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

It SNOWED!!! Granted, all of the snow is gone now, but it was fun while it lasted. Unfortunately, the majority of the act of snowing took place while I was at work yesterday, so I couldn't enjoy it to the extent that I would have liked. I had to appease myself by getting up and walking to the window to admire the snow every 15 mins or so. *Sigh* Sort of ironic how when I was working full time this summer I was bemoaning the fact that it was sunny outside and I could not be out basking in it. Now I have gone full circle and was bemoaning the fact that I couldn't be out in the snow. Why do we even have work anyway?

Oh yah, I remember why. So I can go to London over spring break, thats why! The plan has been in the works for some time now, but I bought my ticket, lets see, a week ago today, so now I am officially going. I am going to visit one of my friends from band who is graduating at the end of this quarter and getting a work visa to live in London. I am so very excited. I love to travel, and while Japan was totally awesome, I have yet to go to Europe, so that makes this even more exciting. But that is a ways away, so I must focus on the present.

Like how I hate my stupid computer. Actually, it isn't my computer, per se, rather it is windows. I turn on my computer tonight and it says that there are new updates for windows and so I begrudingly click "install." A century and a half later, it is still installing and everything is running super slow to the point that I can't use my computer. Finally everything finishes and I restart my computer. Apparently one of the pluses of installing these updates is that it gives you a better security center, so now it is asking me if it can block part of iTunes. What, you have something against Apple??? Wouldn't it be interesting if my computer got into a fight with itself... hmmmm...I think it would turn out fairly ugly.

Anyway, I have been procrastinating all day long and I think I should actually go to sleep so that I am feeling refreshed when I finally make myself work on homework tomorrow. Gilmore Girls is a horrible procrastination tool. I borrowed the first and second season from my aunt and cousin on DVD.... bad idea. That and knitting... but I finished my latest project, so perhaps I can hold off until my homework is more under control. As I am sitting here wrapping this up, I remembered the topic that I REALLY wanted to post about, but I will save it for tomorrow. Its philosophical and such, and I am not into the whole thinking hard thing today. And on that note... I give you this fun suprise! (scroll down to get to the commercial):


Bryan said...

We have to work because someone, a long time ago, on the advice of a snake, ate an apple. Then gave it to her husband and said "Here's you dinner. I don't feel like fixing anything tonight."

MsPoppins20 said...

So, what I can't quite figure out is if you are sympathizing with me, Bryan, or if you are blaming me... =)