Sunday, December 11, 2005

So it seems...

... that there are an unusually large number of people driving around Seattle with one burned out headlight. I wonder, why can't people change their headlights??? It is serving to make me rather depressed.


Rational Icthus said...

Burnt headlights are like a box of chocolates. Sometimes you get a kiss if you see one. Other times you just get socked in the arm.

Oh well. Hey look! A feather!

(And for those alarmed by my sudden flurry of postings, the Sunday School Christmas program is over and I am finally free to do some of the things I used to enjoy before I became a slave to paper mache for a month.)

MsPoppins20 said...

ow... somebody was feeling sort of feisty when he commented on my blog. First accusing me of watching poobah Harry Potter and then claiming that I am old. At least that is what I am assuming you were insinuating with your old lady/parking meter comment.

Considering the fact that I don't know how to change a headlight, this probably wouldn't be a very good program for me to start. Tail-lights I can do, but not headlights. Also, I am betting that the "why does that make you depressed" is a rhetorical question. Maybe not depressed, but it is a little absurd... 4 on my way home from church? I LIVE 5 BLOCKS AWAY!! Craziness I tell ya.

Bryan said...

Doesn't take much to get you depressed, huh?